Apple HLS
Microsoft Smooth Streaming
OpenOTT platform is distributed by design and tolerant to loss of any reasonable number of hardware nodes
Pause live tv
Multiple audio tracks
OpenOTT platform is designed to keep storage as small as possible so there is no duplication of data for multiple formats, DRMs and device dialects
OpenOTT provides simple REST API for HAS streams generation and statistics
Easy deploy using docker orchestration tools
CDN support can be easily integrated in current design
HAS Url access control based on user ip
Protection from sharing urls between users and devices
Microsoft Playready for Smooth Streaming
AES encryption for Apple HLS
* feature not released
Open OTT is prototype made for one Russian telecom company looking for extending their business with OTT service.
It serves real streams and VOD files and shows it's potential to be developed to real product.
The company for which prototype was developed decided not to proceed with OTT department (and still doesn't have) and prototype has been abandoned for a while.
So we decided to opensource this project with hope it will be usefull for someone.
It's not production ready platform:
Source code is hosted on BitBucket and spread into several repositories.
Each repository contains sources for one service or utility.
Building is quite simple, just run docker build from root of each repo.
To run and connect entire project follow bootstrap project. There is quite exhaustive readme over there as long as one-click script to run entire project on single host for development or demonstration purposes.
(c) Next TV